This got trashed the first time, so here's another try.....
Thanks to P J Hartman and Roland Dudley for the advice on the correct
Redline Oil for use in my 79 Midget's gearbox. I just called Redline's
800 number (800-624-7958) and was told that the correct replacement
for the Castrol 80W-90 that I'm currently using is their 75-90NS.
Apparently this is a GL-5 gear oil. Looks like that's this weekend's
project :)
In a related question - does anyone with a 1500 Midget have a decent
method of changing the transmission fluid in these things? The
fill plug is half way up the side of the gearbox (of course) and there
is no access from inside the car. The technique I have used before is
to jack up one side of the car, support it well (I hate crawling under
the car to do this job), and filling the gearbox with a big
syringe-like-thing that holds about a pint. A lift would be ideal but
of course I don't have one. Ramps would work except that they put the
gearbox on a slant and you may not end up with a full load of fluid.
Any ideas would be appreciated.