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Re: Attn: SOL'ers in the metro Detroit area

Subject: Re: Attn: SOL'ers in the metro Detroit area
From: (Douglas Mitchell)
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 09:51:23 EDT
Fellow fiends:

As if the vintage races at Road America weren't enuf:  

For those of you in the metro Detroit area who are planning on attending 
this year's "Eyes on the Classic Designs" car show (used to be the "Eyes on 
the Classics") at the Edsel Ford Estate (actually a great place for a car 
show as long as it hasn't rained in the last seven days), I live only about 
a mile from the place and am thinking of having a post-show backyard 
gathering (which will probably turn into a front yard after the car show- 
car show,  if you bring *your* lbc, too).  If you have plans to attend, and 
are interested in bonding with * even more* car-guy/gal types after the 
show, say 5:30 ish, send me a posting and I'll keep you informed of details. 
 My best information is that the show is on Saturday, June 18th, the day 
before Father's Day.

Post me directly at

Cheers and a good weekend to all!
Will "Mr. Congeniality" Zehring

P.S. No, the engine won't be back in, and no, the front end won't be done, 
and no the rear axle won't be done and no the interior won't be done and no 
I won't ask you to work on the car as long as you *are* there!

Not to pick-nits, but after checknig my schedules, "Eyes..." is not on the
18th, but rather on the 19th, which is Father's Day.

Count me in Will, I plan on being there. If the sun shines, I'll even
bring the LBC "grape".

Doug Mitchell - long time owner of FM4879U - the Grape Spitfire

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