Hi there. BeeRich here. I'm a newbie. Enough about me.
I bought an Austin Mini, white City E 998cc built in 1984. It has an A
registration letter, indicating it is quite old.
The thing breaks down once weekly, with a different thing each week.
Currently, the guy who sold it to me, feels quite guilty, and is repairing it
for free. The transmission went on it, and he replaced it. The fluid is
flowing out of it, and onto the clutch, and I get clutch slippage. It's hard
to shift gears, but it's driveable. Also, the radiator overflow tube on the
passenger side (west side, north is front of car) has come off, and I don't
have any hose clamps yet. No biggy though. The hood doesn't close (the one
over the engine). The rear view mirror fell off, but I have it. The rear red
fog light is hanging by its electrical cord, but it looks like it won't work
Wanna buy a car? :-)
Malting, Brewing & Distilling Science
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh, Scotland
e-mail: rich@beerich.demon.co.uk