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3/4 hp air compressor

Subject: 3/4 hp air compressor
From: James TenCate <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 1994 13:25:03 -0500
I know there are a lot of compressor experts on this list so here's
a couple of quick questions.  I was given an old (1950s) 3/4 hp compressor
by someone who wanted it out of his garage.  I cleaned it up, changed
the oil, redid all the fittings and voila, it runs just fine.  I can
easily get 120 psi built up in the reservoir tank.  Here are the questions:

(1)  It operates differently than most compressors I've seen.  It
     pumps up to a preset psi (120), flips open a bleed valve and 
     turns the motor off, lets the air bleed down to about 80 psi,
     and then the motor kicks in again.  This is an unusual cycle, no?
     I've opened up the control box and tried to figure out how it
     operates but have so far been unsucessful.  Any hints?  Is is
     *supposed* to work this way?
(2)  Besides pumping up tires, using the air to blow things dry, and
     maybe airbrush painting, can I run any air tools with this?

Please respond directly to  as we don't need
to clog the list with our discussion :-)  Thanks!  Jim.

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