~ From: sfisher@megatest.com (Scott Fisher)
~ Any thoughts on thread-locker compounds such as the various ones
~ made by Loctite?
~ There are a couple of problems with Locktite. If you do not run into
~ them, the stuff is God-like. The problems are heat and oil.
Ah. Well, since this is going on the connecting rod bolts,
I'm pretty much likely to run into both of those...
~ Carroll Smith claims brake cleaner works well,
~ and he's built a hell of a lot of race cars.
I buy that stuff by the case lot. Okay, I can cope with this.
~ Oh, I should probably mention belleville washers, which are to regular
~ lock-washers as Jaguars are to Chevettes. You can find these at
~ industrial fastener supply places. Basically a full washer (no slits,
~ cuts, etc) of heavy spring steel, slightly conical, so that when you
~ install them they squish flat while generating enough force on the
~ bolt to actually do something.
Those sound trick. Any idea on a Bay Area reference for where to
find these on fairly short notice, like tomorrow or Friday?
BTW, my pistons will be in tomorrow; Kim called to check/browbeat/confirm
the shipment, and everything's set. Current plan is to build the motor
on Saturday, install it on Sunday, watch the Indy 500 on Monday, and
do any final tweaking on Tuesday (we got an extra day off for good
behavior :-). I hope to drive it in to work on Wednesday and pretty
much every non-rainy day thereafter.