> Occasionally, after I have turned the igntion switch to full off on my
> '77 MGB, a sound eminates from the right rear engine compartment that
> sounds like a repetitive electrical arcing or "clatter". The sound is
> similar though not identical to the sound a starter makes when the
> battery is near dead. It continues for 5 to 10 seconds and stops or
> stops immediatley if I turn the ignition back on. It is not "diesling",
For some reason, your anti-dieseling valve is cycling. It should click on
when you turn the key off, and click off when oil pressure drops to 0.
The valve is cylindrical, mounted just fore of the charcoal canisters.
It has two wires on the top with pin connectors, one large hose out the
side that goes to the charcoal can, another large hose that heads up
front then ends open, then a smaller hose to the intake manifold. If the
plumbing is not hooked up due to the small line nipple being broken off
or not connected (Weber conversion, etc.), then pull the wires and be
done with it. If everything appears to be hooked up in a proper manner,
check the tightness of the wire connectors on the valve, and the oil
pressure switch (just right of heater box on fire wall).
> John Blenke
> Level Five Research
> Indialantic, Florida