> Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 15:47:20
> From: "Roger Garnett" <rwg1@postoffice3.mail.cornell.edu>
> Subject: Re: Rover panels, Engine Storage
> Another place to be concerned about moisture in storage, is in the sump and
> under rocker covers. Other than fresh oil, I don't know what you could do.
> A suggestion I've seen for medium term storage, is to spray oil into the
> intakes at shutdown, or remove plugs and spray some in the cylinders
I've used the spray oil in the spark plug holes trick.
When you buy a rebuilt engine from the rebuilder, it generally comes
wrapped in polypropolyne sheeting and sealed. Some have had a drying
agent placed in the plastic wrap (I would worry that this might cause
corrosive fumes. Anybody have any data on this?)
You could also store it in such a way that you could start it every
few months. That really isn't too difficult.