I just got a quote for rebuilding the transmission for my 1974 Triumph
TR6 (4 speed, no OD) for $950.
At the moment, I don't have anything to compare that price to.
Does that price seem reasonable? Does anybody in the SF Bay Area have
experiences with local transmission shops. If I decide to go with the
$950 quote, should I at least expect some kind of warranty on the
rebuilt transmission. Anything else I should know before going ahead?
FYI. I just had a new clutch put in. After reinstalling the transmission
there is a grinding sound, like a bad bearing, coming from the trans-
mission, in neutral, first, second and third gears. No noise in fourth
gear or reverse. I did not have that noise when I last drove the car,
but that was four years ago.
Owning a couple of british cars is getting to be as expensive as owning
a sailboat. Owning a couple of british cars AND a sailboat is twice as
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.
-- Flemming "grinding my teeth AND my gearbox" Larsen