Brian (
Lindsay Porter covers drilling of MGB brake rotors
in his book on dyi mgb restoration. I think the stock
rotors can be drilled with out any harmful effects, but
I think you need to chamber the holes.
Jim Fuerstenberg
The import car flea market and car show in Carlilse, Pa
will be well worth your effort and probably not too far
Alexandria, Va. The show is the weekend of 12,13,14,15
Jeff Young
I agree with your warning about welding zinc coated surfaces.
Several years ago I took a course in welding. The instructor
was emphatic about the seriousness of the toxic fumes. I asked
if there were any warning signs that one had inhaled too much
and he said you won't be around long enough to know. I think
he also said it was cumulative.
Someone gave me a torque wrench calibated in inch/pounds (N/M).
The beam seems to me to be a foot. How do I convert to foot/pounds?
How does one work with newts/meter?