>I have what looks to be the original
>Smiths speedo in Amanda (70 TR6) and it tends to 'flutter' a lot. Athough it
>is quite responsive, there is an irregular variation that tops out at plus or
>minus about seven mph when going 70mph. It's not an oscillation, it's quite
>irregular, but constant. Have others seen this? Is this likely a speedo prob
>or a connection problem (cheaper I presume?)
'S easy, this one - your speedo drive cable's shot. A bit of corrosion or
crap in the cable momentarily stops or slows the continuous rotation of the
cable, so your speedo flutters.
Solution: New cable (cheap and easy to do).
However, I have seen old Smiths speedos go stiff, this can sonetimes be
cure by putting a few drops of light machine oil around the square socket
in the boss where the drive enters the speedo, but sometimes you have to
dismantle the unit entirely to free off the rotating components (not as bad
a job as it seems, kitchen table stuff on a cold day!)
Richard Smith
R.G. Smith Automobile Engineering - Triumph & Alvis specialist,
- British parts for British cars
Tel (+44) 729 823051 Fax: (+44) 729 824092