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Oversight committiee will be meeting...

Subject: Oversight committiee will be meeting...
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 94 09:58:53 -0700
In the  I cann't belive I didn't check it earlier dept...

I installed my cleaned up and repainted TR3 leaf springs on last weekend.  As I 
was putting a wheel knock off on (hand tight) I noticed that there was some 
rotational movement in the wheel.  Since my lead hammer was near, I gave an ear 
a whap.  Still movement.  I pulled the wheel and wiped some of the dirty grease 
(greasy dirt?) off the hub splines to see splines shaped like /|.  The splines 
should look more like /\.  They were definatly very well worn.  I checked the 
otherside and saw the same severe wear on the splines.  I can't believe that I 
didn't check the wear of the splines a couple of years ago when i first pulled 
them for the rebuild.  I've had them on & off at least twice so far and I just 
now noticed the wear?  The quality inspector at the begining of the project 
assumed that the hubs were going to be inspected near the end of the project and
the quality inspector at the assembly stage thought everything was inspected 
during tare down.  Oh well the hubs are abouth the only thing on the car that 
has not got replaced or refirbished.  I'm sure the team doing clean up before 
new wheel instillation would have cought the splines. ... Oh well I guess I 
picked the wrong time to try to put myself on a budget.

Except for the fact that I return parts every once and a while I would probably 
be The Roadster Factory's best customer.  I sure hope I see a new set of MGB 
push rods soon, and hear about my TR3 steering box.

Maybe I should sell some stuff to help pay for  a new set of hubs.  I have new 
still in the BOX ADDCO front and rear sway bars with nylatron bushings for a 
TR3, a set of new, slightly weathered TR4 leaf springs, a new Lucas relay for a 
pre-TS 60000 TR3, and a Canon A1 camera system with moter drives, 2 bodies & 
lots of lenses ranging from 28mm to 300 mm.

When this is all over I think I will have a nice pile of stuff for a future auto

TeriAn "Spell checker by Lucas"

TeriAnn Wakeman             One of these days, I'll be old enough that          people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN              calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344        TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561

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