Fellow fiends:
Well, using the philosophy championed by Colin Chapman (i.e. building
race cars that colapse at the finish line) I am in a state of complete
dizziness and bewilderment but the &%*#$!! grant is done (you folks with
.edu addresses should know what I mean). Anyway... back to the B:
First question: I am starting the reassembly of the '63B now that she is
back from the land of the body men and have my first questions. There has
been a lot of talk lately on the M***a list concerning transmission and
differential fluids. Now is the perfect time for me to change these
fluids in the B. Actually, the tranny has been rebuilt but is dry. The
rear axle is in the car. Any recommendations on lubricants for these
two units? I know what Haynes recommends but I wonder if there is some
net.wisdom on this matter
Many thanks, and its good to be back!
Will "Bye Bye Birdie" Zehring
P.S. didn't not nobody find me that primo restorable Bugeye *YET* ???