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MGB AutoX Motor

Subject: MGB AutoX Motor
From: Bill <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 1994 23:32:27 -0500 (EST)
 I have for the last ten years been harbouring the 
makings of a racing MGB motor in my basement. I however, am 
completely converted to German vehicles. As far as performance goes anyway.

So, I have the following for sale.
        -One MGB 5 main block, bored +.040 and honed, deburred, cleaned.
        - 4 lightened and balanced connecting rods
        - Lightweight lifters
        - Venolia flat top pistons, balanced
        - Custom made, DEVES rings for above.
        - Iskandarian "Hot Street" grind camshaft.
        - Ported and polished cylinder head.
        - Stock crank
        - Other stuff I can't remember.

 What's it worth to ya. Old iron is very heavy so shipping 
would be a bit pricey.


     _______________ ------------------------------****-----******--  
    /               \ --------.--.----------------******---********-|
 __/  _/--\____/--\_ \__-----. \/ .------|G T I|--******---********-| 
|__                   __|----.\/\/.------| 16v |---****-----******--| 
 /_\_________v_______/_\ ======--=================================== 
| |_+_+_|________|_+_+_||  Bill Sulouff <>
| --------------------- |                                
|____|--==------==-|____| << 944                      

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