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Re: Winged Knock-Off Availability?

To: Kevin Burtch X8534 Ppppp <>
Subject: Re: Winged Knock-Off Availability?
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 1994 15:22:27 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 8 Mar 1994, Kevin Burtch X8534 Ppppp wrote:

> > > Within the last couple of years, there's been a few reports of the 
> > > Feds not allowing the sale of winged knock-off's, especially new ones 
> OK I'll bite...   Why??   Have they seen too many 007 movies? Do they think
> the wings are actually tire shredding blades ready to be extended from the
> axle? (boy! that was an old one! anyone know which movie? which car?)

Goldfinger (I think).  Aston Martin (I'm sure).  Shredded Mustang.

I don't think extending blades are the reason, but that you could be run
over by a LBC and the winged projections could do a job on your head. 
They are dangerous, you know.  Isadora Duncan died when her scarf got
caught in a wire wheel.  (I think it was a Bugatti wheel, if you care.  I
don't know what color the scarf was.)

Ray Gibbons

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