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Re: The Laws of British Sports Cars

Subject: Re: The Laws of British Sports Cars
From: Glenna Hall <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 12:34:35 -0800

In reply to a suspicion about who wrote "The Laws of British Sports Cars,"
I said it was written by Dave Barry. This attracted  the ire of Philip
Ethier who wrote:
     Too detailed and accurate.  Does not look right for Dave Barry 
     to me.  When and where did you see this under Dave's name?  ... 
     But Richard Hall is alleging something far more serious.  He 
     is alleging that Don Hayward STOLE this piece from a 
     professional writer and passed it off as his own.  ...

Well, he's right.  And, I apologize for such a bold statement. I didn't
have proof, and should have said just that it sounded like Dave Barre to
me, and I saw it attributed to him several years ago in a club newsletter. 
This newsletter in turn got it from another.  The little checking I did
makes it now seem unlikely that Dave Barry wrote it.  Scott Fisher provides
enough of the history of the article to see how, in passing from one club
newsletter to another, someone thought it sounded like Barry and stuck his
name to it --setting the stage for me to embarrass myself.   -- Feeling
very silly, Richard Hall    

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