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...(shop lights)

Subject: ...(shop lights)
From: DANIELS@LMSBV2.TAMU.EDU (Lee Daniels, Texas A&M University)
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 15:07:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Christopher Ball <>
>On another topic - Lee Daniels and garage lights - be aware that in very 
>cold weather those lights may not be very happy. 

Yeah, that was a problem with fluorescent lights when I lived in Iowa. 
Here in South Central Texas we had a "cold" day the other day... it got
below 40F!  The lights did fine.  ;-)

>Also, be sure to use 
>good covers on the lights and on the cars. I had a friend call me once 
>about "black goo on the hood". Right on ! The ballast on the lights let 
>go and leaked crap all over this LBC! Be ware !

Hmm, thanks, I didn't know about this.  But I didn't put any directly above
the cars; just on the sides and along the middle of the garage.  Works

Lee M. Daniels              Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding     Texas A&M University      (409) 845-3726

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