In message <> Christopher Ball
> Here's a fabulous new plan for the spiring driving season. I hit on this
> whilst taking my TR3A apart for the third time.
> Now, the first time I stripped it there were a few brackets left over and
> the odd bit I got not identify.
> The second time there were entire panels extra and old seats, a ratty
> top, and many other odds and sods.
> This time there were so many pieces that a visitor to the garagr thought
> that it was a project car, rath er than a pile of extras !
> So, thats the scopp. Take your car apart ten times and put it back
> together and you'll finf that you have a second car of the same make!!!
> Then you ca nrestore it and give it to your spouse.
> It's really that simple. It's the fishes and loaves theory of LBCs!!
> Try it.
It almost might work. I'm amassing a big pile of parts that worked & looked
sorta OK on my pre-rebuild TR3 but are totally unacceptable on my New TR3.
Only problem is I've already gotten rid of the old bonnet, boot lid and two
doors. I never got the old floors inner & outer sills back from the body shop
that put the new ones in for me. Oh well, dosn't matter, I don't think I would
be happy with one built up from my reject old parts. I would probably just
rebuild the new old part car with new parts. I think it would be never ending.
It would be easier just to skip the old parts & build a new one from scratch
;*) ;*) ;*)
What i am planing to do is when the TR3 is done, load up the Land Rover with the
old parts & take them to a swap meet & give them away. There are a few
duplicate new parts (Couldn't always remember that I had already purchased) that
I will be getting rid of, but they will go for real $$ or a trade on something
neat I don't already have.
Hmm Maybe I should start collecting big Healey parts
TeriAnn Wakeman One of these days, I'll be old enough that people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344 TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561