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Austin Healey at PUT-In-BAY, Ohio

Subject: Austin Healey at PUT-In-BAY, Ohio
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 22:50:48 EST
I just got this in my mail, and thought other on the net might like to
read or be a part of this. After the Healey meeting last night, this
promises to be a great weekend. Just so people know, I driving my
1966 MGB-GT. So any british car is welcome.
                     Southeast Michigan Chapter
                   Austin Healey Club of America
                      *ISLAND ADVENTURE*
   Mark your calendar for the weekend of June 3, 4 and 5th, 1994.
The Southeast Michigan chapter is planing a Healey Adventure like
no other. The location of this event will be on South Bass Island,
Put-In-Bay, Ohio. This location is one of the most popular weekend
vacation spots in the area. The island is rich in history for both
our country and our car club.
   In the summer of 1958, the first appearance of a Bugeye Sprite in
United States was in the H Production class in a SCAA race on the
   Racing on the island took place from 1951 to 1959 until local
residents stopped the event because of the "ROWDY nature of the
sport car enthusiast" even though racing is no longer permitted,
partying is. There are several local taverns with great entertainment
nightly. There are wineries, unique shops, stores and boutiques.
Dining is varied and delicious from gourmet to fast food.
  The club has reserved the entire Park Hotel for the weekend.
This Hotel is located downtown Put-In-Bay overlooking the park and
marina. The hotel was established in 1865 and is always booked to
capacity on weekends. The location of the hotel is it's most desirable
feature. Its accommodations are rustic and the bath facilities are
similar to the English bed and breakfast. NO in room facilities are
provided. (gee, does that mean we have to share bathrooms)
   The registration for this event is $100 per person. This is based
on double occupancy (those desiring single accommodations please call
and we will try and work something out)
   This registration includes:
   *two nights, double occupancy at the park hotel
   *Transportation for two persons and one car aboard the Miller
    Boat Line to and from the island
   *Friday night hospitality at the hotel
   *rally registration and awards
   *Popularity car show and awards
   We think that with two nights at the hotel and transportation to
and from the Island, this is one of the best deals in summers events
you will find. Special T-shirts commemorating the event will be
available ONLY if ordered in advance, at $10 per shirt.
   One finial note. If you have never experienced the Island you
are in for a real treat. this is, by design, not just another "CAR"
event but a weekend with plenty to do in a real party atmosphere.
We will also have a secure area to park the cars in the evening 
without worry.
   Send registration and check (payable to Southeast Michigan Austin
Healey Club) to: Mike Lazarowicz
                 3727 Textile Road
                 Saline, Mi. 48176
                 (313) 429-1928
Anyway this sounds good to me, I'm going. .

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  • Austin Healey at PUT-In-BAY, Ohio, Tom.Mitchell <=