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Re: pixie dust and dream cars

Subject: Re: pixie dust and dream cars
From: Andrew Huang <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 15:17:35 -0700
   Scott Fisher poses the following questions to the brit-car mailing list:
   > What I have often wondered about since then, and have no real answer
   > for to this day, is: what modern car can inspire that kind of sustained
   > rapture?  If you could buy any car today that you'd want to look back on 
   > in 2013 and say, I bought it new and have kept it since then, what would
   > it be?
   > --Scott "I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled" Fisher


      The reasons you mentioned above were mostly what led me to 
   purchase my '93 Turbo Esprit.  I have been thoroughly enthralled
   by this Lotus since I was about 17 ( 10 years ago.)  For the 
   past 5 years I actually believed I could own my dream car and I
   began planning my finances for this purchase.  My dream came true
   this past July...

    Bill Terry:

   I guess it's time for me to come out of the closet. I've been a
   Lotusphile since I was eight. I would ask my mother to drive routes
   that went by the Lotuses I knew of. My love was the Europa. To me it
   looked like it had only one thing on it's mind and that was eating up
   twisty miles. It took me 18 years before I found the right one
   (mentioned in an earlier epistle - ~150 bhp 7800 rpm), but it was
   worth it. I wouldn't trade it for any other car.

I throw in:

An Elan, 1970.  A Moggie.  A 1963 Ferrari GTO.  A 1974 Ferrari
Daytona.  A Miura.  A Dino 246.

But for today to 2014?  Maybe a Neon.  Maybe a Subaru.  Maybe I'm just
getting stodgy, but they just don't interest me anymore.  The entire
process of building a car is so involved with regulations and profit
that there's no room for the emotional part.  Even when they get the
right elements in (Miata), the profit motivation forces them to be
commonplace and thus they have no value to me.  It's not that I want
the 5 year old girls _and_ their great grandmothers to scream "Great
Car(tm)" as I trundle by, but I'm not mainstream and my dreams aren't
either (if you ever saw my dreams...).

back to work.  Oh, yeah, Brian, if you ever need somebody to, uh,
exercise the turbo, you can just stop by.  Anytime.


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