As I am sure most of you are aware we have experienced a huge snowstorm
in the last couple of days here in Boston. On my way home from work last
night I was astounded to see a late model MGB making its way down mass ave
in Cambridge! It had been snowing for 24 hours straight and the B was
covered in snow and ice. My B has a hard time starting in September and then
runs really cold. It is good to see such enthusiasm, however I was a little
heartbroken after thinking about all of the salt that will eventually eat away
at the roadster.
I have a question for all of you, there is a constant discussion at work about
british words and phrases, I need to find out what the word "brick" means in
Brit terms. It seems that someone that a colleague has been working with has
called him this and its killing him, he doesnt know whether its good or bad.
anybody have any ideas,