Fellow fiends:
Well, I was minding my own business yesterday working on the '63 B's
engine when I disassembled the timing chain tensioner. **TWANG** So, I
put it back together the way I thought it was supposed to go and put it
back on the engine (this was part of another repair). But now I am
a bit concerned that it wasn't reassembled correctly. The spring and
the hard rubber part are easy. What I am concerned about is the cylindrical
ratcheted thingamabob that the spring sits in and then it in turn sits in
the cube shapped metal block that is bolted to the front cover. Is there
a particular way that ratchet system is supposed to be reassembled?
There seems to be a nice tension on the spring (hence on the timing chain)
and I was careful not to block the oil passage, so... should I take it out
again or is it ok?
Will Zehring (aka wzehrin@cms.cc.wayne.edu)