A fellow club member just called and asked me to pass this along at
the local meeting tonight, he won't be able to attend. I thought it
was also worth passing along here.
An outfit called Surplus Center in Lincoln, Nebraska is offering the
combined turn signal/horn/high beam switch found on Spitfires for
$3.99. According to George, this is a VERY good price. And according
to the catalog, this is the genuine Lucas part.
Judging from the catalog, this outfit deals mostly with gov't surplus
and hydraulic-type stuff, but the catalog has a small automotive
section. One other example that George mentioned was a 1000-pound
hoist/come-along for $29.95. For comparison, a recent Harbor Freight
catalog lists a similar hoist for $49.95.
You can call 1-800-488-3407 (open 24 hours) for a catalog. I have no
connection with this outfit, not even as a customer. Caveat emptor.
T.J. Higgins | tjhiggin@ingr.com | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA