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RE: RE: MGB B-Series swaps

Subject: RE: RE: MGB B-Series swaps
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 93 13:12:11 EST once wrote:

>MGB's got alternators in 71; that weird two plug one. In 72 they
>went to
>the single plug 16ACR unit. That 71 alt  you have is unique, 
>you won't get
>another one. Many years ago, Lucas included a late model plug
>with every
>alternator for the purpose of retrofitting cars like yours. They
>no longer
>do this. When you need to convert, you'll have to roll your own

Hold on there my '68 B has an alternator and its original! The
official listing of alt's is:

1968           alt. #23548  Externally regulated!! ie. that weird two plug
1969 - '71     alt. #23716  Internally regulated
1972           alt. #23716    "                  "
1973 - '74     alt. #23084   "                  "  
1974 1/2 - '78 alt. #23748  "                  "  
late '78 - '80 alt. #23756    "                  "

Yes they can be rebuilt the 68 alt is a bitch because its the
only alt. with the external reg. and the parts are different.
Which reminds me of the time I lost the alt. on my '68 B on
highway 8 out side of San Diego at 11:00 at night.  I was able to
rebuild the beast by getting bearings from Kaman bearing and
salvaging some brushes from a '69 alt. and the is still working
in my '65 race car 10 years later! I have "rolled" my own plug to
fit the '68 alt. in a '65 that Scott most likely wired for a '71.
The internally regulated atls. are much easier to adapt than the
external ones and are much easier to find.

                         John Ross


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