I guess that was called the Sterling 827 (or whatever) here.
My brother, though he's not a "car guy" and certainly not an lbc guy (though
he did help me lift an A-series block out of a Sprite _by hand_ once) has
one of these. It's the "5-door" version and is somewhat reminiscent of
the SD1. He bought it used about 1.5 years ago instead of some Merkur(?)
It's _wonderfully_ comfortable. The rear seats are more comfortable
than the front seats of most cars. Nice wood accents. Problems: radio seems
to be missing key-off power so it resets on every start. Some battery/electical
problems early on, but they seem gone now. Automatic (oh well). I drove it
once - not bad, though large by my tr6/midget/crx standards. I think it
has one bad shock too. The V6 performs quite reasonably, and probably has
similar horsepower to the old SD1 3.5 V8.