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Re: 2 batteries -> 1 battery ?

Subject: Re: 2 batteries -> 1 battery ?
From: megatest!bldg2fs1! (Scott Fisher)
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 14:28:28 PST
> My son has a '74 MGB with dual 6 volt batteries which appear to
> be approaching the end of their useful lives.  He has been considering 
> switching to a single 12v battery.
> Is this "easy" and what are the "gottchas" ?  Which side carries the battery 
> and are their replacement cables available to make the switch or is this a 
> home
> mechanics job?  What is the recommended battery size and type (South Texas 
> driving)

Easy, no gotchas.  A win in every category except concours judging.

Use the right-hand battery bin and buy a new ground cable.  The hot
cable (on post-68 Bs, anyway) is on the rightmost side of the car.
(Also, the extra weight of the battery helps offset the driver's
weight on LHD models.)

Moss sells battery tray liners that you might want to pick up to use
in the empty hole.  It would make a decent hidden cubby, just under
those five Dzus fasteners on the rear parcel shelf.  The Moss catalog
also lists just which battery works best to replace the single 6V; I
think it's a Group 27, but don't order based on that -- check it out

For Santa Clara County residents, O'Connor Classics keeps a stock of
conversion 12V batteries on hand; that's where I got mine.  In any
event, the whole thing takes less time than replacing the original
batteries, is half as difficult, and probably works better than two
new 6V batteries because you reduce the number of connections to work
loose.  Well worth doing.


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