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burned MGA rotor

Subject: burned MGA rotor
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 93 09:19 EST
My MGA has started running rough lately so I changed plugs
and points.  No improvement.  I took the distributor cap
off and the rotor is kinda burned and the contacts inside 
the distributor cap are likewise burned and pitted. I think
I put these on new about last April.  What would cause this?
Don Mathis

From Tue Sep 11 11:58:12 2001
From: (Roger Garnett)
To: (British Cars)
Date:          Mon, 15 Nov 1993 10:15:01 
Subject:       Another MG at the SLCFWSC? How 'bout a Jag?

Well, I dragged home another MG yesterday. I'm not even gonna tell how many 
that makes total, but I really will get rid of some soon! 

Pete will officially collect Tilly's old '71 GT next weekend, when he
brings his freshly rebuilt engine over, drops it in, and we haul it over to
his place. That will be the first MG that has actually left our grasp once
aquired. Next, I've still got to cut a frame rail off Marrietta, and haul
the remains away. The Hillclimb special may get sold, or traded for a few
Bugeye odds and ends, and I'm gonna have to find a new home for the '67 GT
project car if I can. (tatty shell w/new floors & rockers, parts in boxes,
parts car optional. sigh. Would make a real good candidate for one of the
fiberglass Sebring flared fender kits.) 

So anyhow, I now have a '76 Midget parts car. Ratty/stripped interior, rear 
deck cut out, and no rear end, (This made getting it on the trailer fun. 
Getting it off was a simple matter of a chain and a tractor.) A 76 Midget? 
Ugh, Yea, right. Well, the purpose is for a 1500 engine to go in the fairly 
clean '79 I picked up last year. The '79 is the newist, and solid-ist, and 
best original condition British Car I've ever owned. So then why am I 
planning on selling it? Sometimes I wonder. But, I do need the funds for 
the Bugeye. While looking over the '76, I surprised myself at the number of 
parts I'll be able to use off it. 

Needed for the '79 Midget:
 -Running Engine, carb, bits.
 -Radiator w/intact surround
 -Boot lid handle
 -a couple of trim bits

Well, if that was all I could use, I'd be doing OK. But look what's left!

For my '64 Sprite:
 -Spring pans with anti-roll bar (much needed)
 -5 Rostyle wheels, 2 or 4 reasonable 145/13 Tyres
For either Sprite:
 -spare F & R shocks (Yes! If they're good)
 -front steering parts
 -Brake calipers, rotors
 -Dual master cylinder, to convert from single.

For later MGB's or Spridgets
 -Tach, Speedo
Left over, 1275/1500 Midget bits:
 -Winscreen & door glass
 -TR/Midget 1500 tranny (may be spoken for already)
 -Solid, unrusted front wings, bonnet, boot.
 -semi-eliptic leaf springs
 -Rubber bumpers (yea, right. Everyone wants those)
 -Black door panels/trim (nice condition), hardware.
 -Steering rack/wheel/(turn signal switch?)

There's probably a little more, but not much. All-in-all, not bad, 
considering I was just looking for an engine. But now I gotta find more 
room for parts...


As if that wasn't enough, a friend stopped by in the afternoon with a tale
of an old lady with a Jag MK II she wants to sell. Oh boy. He went to have
a look- Turns out it's a 2.4, somewhat disassembled and left by her
grandson. It *might* be salavagable, but it's pretty rough, and missing
quite a few bits. Like the windscreen, trim, lenses, but has some guages,
and the drive line is there. The grill is damaged & corroded.

Does anyone know what parts might be desired? Know anyone who wants a 2.4
parts car? Price range? Other good uses for the drive line components?
  /     _  \    Roger Garnett             (
 /   /||  \ \   Agricultural Economics   |
| |\/ ||  _  |  3 Warren Hall            | "The South Lansing Centre
| |   ||   | |  Cornell University       |  For Wayward Sports Cars"
 \    ||__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801  | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522           | Safety Fast!

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