========================= COOL =======================
Glenn Sundeen writes:
>I have a 1961 TR3A which despite all my efforts continues
>to run too hot, even in cooler weather
>I even had the Radiator re-cored and it seems to have
> made no difference.
A couple of thoughts come to mind:
1. Is the original fibreboard shrouding (or a reasonable
facsimile thereof) still in place behind the grille? Many
wide-mouth TR people (I meant the cars are wide mouth, not
necessarily the people) tell me that it really helps to
direct air to the radiator. TR2 and TR3 owners do not have
this problem with the older-style front apron.
2. I have found over many years that even chemical flushes do
not always get everything out of the engine block, crudwise.
One trick I learned is to actually remove the draincock on
the block (or plug for some later cars) and probe around
inside the hole. It's amazing what will hide in there! After
performing said minor surgery on TR3A, GT6+ and 216.5 c.i.d.
Chevy six engines, each ran significantly cooler (10-20
Good luck.
Andy -two postings in one day? I'd better get back to work-