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Z-S rebuilds

To: (Britcar)
Subject: Z-S rebuilds
From: Vaughan K. Scott <>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1993 17:25:57 -0500 (EDT)
        Well, there does seem to be sufficient interest to write up a 
rebuild guide in layman's terms for Zenith-Strombergs.  Therefore, I shall
take upon myself the task of (once again) writing the thing up.  Three things
to note:        

1)      I have (fortunately) not had to rebush my throttle shafts.  I seem
to recall having read the section of the Bentley manual that describes this,
but have no intimate experience of this.  Is there anyone out there who would
care to contribute this section for me? (with full credit, of course)

2)      This is going to take a little time to write up (no, it's not going
to be a book, but it does take time).  Therefore, there will be a delay of
a day or two, while I get it written and presentable.  As well as putting
it in the archive, I will send copies to the people who have expressed interest
in the guide.  Therefore, if you have been silent and would like one, please
speak up!  I also still need someone to mail me instructions about how to
put something in the archive.

3)      This will be for Z-S' in general (not any particular car, or such
is the intent).  With this in mind, it will be only an introduction to
the "art" of carb rebuilding, with a list of necessary products, etc, and 
will also be an overview/guide/outline to follow as you go through the 
process.  It will still be necessary to consult the paper that comes with
the rebuild kit or, better yet, a Bentley manual with instructions for your
particular variation.

        Enough babbling, I'll get on with my work, to free up time later to
type the manual ;) in.  L8r...

Vaughan Scott           Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute          Troy, NY

...this is past the point of being trivial. It must be. It's on the 6:00 news!

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