(Marcus Tooze) writes:
> I taught my other half how to drive a stick shift and at the first junction
> told her to 'change gear'...I got a funny look as if to say 'why the hell
> should I change my clothes now...I'm having a driving lesson'!
I sympathise Marcus. You reminded me of one of my first problems with
the local lingo when I came over in 1980. My wife is American, BTW:
We were at the local supermarket which had a sloping car park (sorry, parking
lot to the Yanks...). I had just finished loading up the boot (erm, trunk)
with stuff as my dear missus waited at the passenger door for me to get in and
unlock her door for her to get in. Then I noticed a shopping trolley (shopping
cart) rolling down the car park, picking up speed and aiming straight for my
car's naked front wing (fender). I yelled to the missus, "The trolley! The
trolley! Look out for the trolley!". My missus looked in the opposite
direction towards the street, looking for a trolley bus. The rest of this
story is censored...
Garry Archer Esq.
3M Health Information Systems, Wallingford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
"An Englishman never enjoys himself, except for a noble purpose." - A.P.Herbert