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Re: Chicago (Was: Healey, job)

Subject: Re: Chicago (Was: Healey, job)
From: (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 16:25:26 -0700
On Sep 15,  1:37pm, William Hartwell Woodruff wrote:
> I'll be Chicago (to pick the [BJ8] frame up) sometime in the
> next two weeks.  If anyone would like to get together for an
> evening meal, send me mail.

Bill's message prompted me to also send out a message that I will be in
Chicago all of next week (Sept. 20-24) attending the ISA Exhibition*.  Since
this event won't even come close to occupying my time for the whole week, I'd
be more than willing to meet with anyone in the Chicago area for lunch or
dinner or ale's or whatever.  Send be some email if you'll be available &

(Bill - If you'll be there any evening Mon-Thurs. next week, let me know.
 I'll buy the ale's while you recount your adventures since I last saw you at
Jean H.'s place outside of Boulder on your way to SLC & the Fat Change garage,
if I can afford that many pints!  :^)

   Pat Vilbrandt      Fluke Corporation      Everett, Washington USA
   pwv@tc.fluke.COM or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
   (206) 745-2210 hm.
   (206) 356-5282 wk.

*  The ISA show will be in held at McCormick Place East, near Meigs Field.
   Any other techno-instrumentation-weenies going to be there too???  If so,
   make sure to stop by the Fluke booth and tell them you're looking for me.
   (What, me do booth duty!?!?  Never!!  Oh, okay, maybe a little...)

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