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inertia belts on TR4A

Subject: inertia belts on TR4A
From: "Chris Kent Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 12:32:32 PDT
Sarah's interior is almost all back in; I'm about to mount the rollbar.
Several ads of late have made me think again that I'd like to replace
my current cobbled up three point belt system with an inertia reel
system. Prices have come down a bit (from about $100/side to $70/side),
and the timing is about right.

The question I have is how to mount. The short stalk side seems pretty
obvious (I suppose I want to mount it to the tranny tunnel, though, not
the floor where the original forged eye is). The other floor end will
probably just get attached to the existing eye (with a steel carabiner,
if necessary) since it looks like one has to remove the sill to remove
the eye's backing nut.

But where to mount the reel? The bolt at the top of the wheel arch
seems to be useful for a pivot point for the belt, but not the reel
proper. A bolt through the wheelwell lower down? On the front of the "rear 

Some TR6s left the factory with intertia belts. If you have one of
these, please tell me how it's mounted. I'm particularly interested in
what sort of backing plates were used; the sheet metal is certainly not
strong enough to handle this alone.

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