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TR3 Junkyard sighting

Subject: TR3 Junkyard sighting
From: (Tim Pettenati)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 09:10:02 PDT
I was at E & H last night (Trade Zone Blvd, San Jose) trying to track down
Subaru parts when I sighted something unusual out of the corner of my eye.
It was kinda hard to tell what it was at first since most exterior body work
was already gone.

TR3 year=?  Com # TS65717  All driveline components were still there.  Also
a spare motor/trans sitting on the ground next to it.  Both engines mostly 
complete, carbs, dist., head, etc.  (It's in the front row if your looking)

TR7 1976 coupe - Motor gone, trunk full of parts (starter, alt., smog stuff,
sway bar.  Also two Stromberg intake/carb setups, one single carb, one dual,
which are sitting in the trunk of an adjacent japanese stationwagon.

If you have any questions about the location of this place, send me some email,
or I'll be on the tour saturday and at the Palo Alto Meet on Sunday. 

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