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RE:Gutted GT6

Subject: RE:Gutted GT6
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 93 09:26:26 -0500
Larry says;

Does anyone have a suggestion for a sealant for gluing/sealing the

transmission cover to the body? I want to make sure there are no leaks here.

Someone said that silicone sealer has acid in it? Help?

    As far as a sealant is concerned, I'd use a silicone based adhesive or 

sealant for gluing/sealing the transmission cover to the body.  It's true that 

these sealants release acetic acid on curing, however, acetic acid is a weak 

organic acid (major organic constituent of vinegar).  It should not harm either 

the metals or plastics used in your case.  Since the acetic acid is released as 

the stuff sets up, over time the odor and acetic acid go away leaving only the 

pure silicone polymer.  That's why silicone has become such a standard for 

these applications.  Don't sniff the stuff and avoid that glass of wine while 

your using it.  It will make anything you drink taste like, well, vinegar!

    Larry, when do we get to see the renewed GT6?  We're all waiting.

Bruce C. Hamper

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