Skip Montanaro writes:
> I found the upper bearing shells a bit tricky to remove and insert. You
> just have to fiddle with them and turn the crank to remove the old
> ones. Oil both sides of the new shells.
I seem to remember, a long long time ago, seeing in something akin to
a J.C. Whitney catalog some little pins that you were supposed to use
here. They fit into the oil-passage holes in the crank and would push
the upper bearing shell in between the crank and the block. Then you
back off and pull them back out.
I have never used them, and in fact they sound like a bad idea to me
-- too easy to crush the bearing if you don't get it lined up just
right and have an over-enthusiastic helper working the starter crank....
At the time I was having the mains replaced in the Bentley, and as the
owner was doing it before selling it to me, the whole process was of
only academic interest (aside from assuring that it was done right.)
But the inside of that engine sure was purty!