> I gotta agree with Scott, & Gary.
Well, lest poor Terry think that we're all leaping to attack his
beloved, I'm sure there are mitigating circumstances that led him
to his decision. I just can't imagine any. :-)
No, really now. I related some of this brouhaha to Kim last night,
and after her own initial shock ("Why is he marrying her? What is
she giving up in return for making him give up his cars?"), she
proposed some reasonable scenarios for selling the RX7 -- for
example, to pay for that dream honeymoon scuba-diving. And I
have to admit that I'd probably consider selling a non-British car
for a dream honeymoon (or a dream anniversary).
In a way, though, having British cars means trading experiences
that the straights -- er, the regular populace has. I suppose there
are some people on the list who can go to the Bahamas to snorkel *and*
have a new Jaguar, but most people in that class tend to run the
companies that contribute to the Net rather than work at them (and
post from them). I'd love to be able to do all the things I want,
but even if I had the money, I'd have to live 300 years or so...
For myself, one reason I decided to pause my racing career became
obvious when Torrey, then three, walked past the livingroom one
Saturday morning (I was at Andy Banta's house doing some welding
on the race car). Torrey walked straight out to the garage.
"What are you doing?" Kim asked her.
"I'm looking for Daddy," she said. That was enough for me. In ten
years, Torrey will be 15 and I'll be lucky if she says hi before asking
me for money. Right now, Daddy's still her "best boy," and I don't want
to give that up, even for racing. In 2003, the SCCA will still be
running some kind of competition, even if it's with electric motors
(and just think what an edge I'll have from my slot car days!), and I'll
be no older than Fangio was when he won his first GP...
So did I give up my racing to be with her? Hmmm... If I did, it's
because I enjoy being with her at this time in her life even more
than I enjoyed racing. (But I didn't do it because she made me! :-)
> If i were, Lets see, he would have to like working on my LBCs to keep them in
> running order, not mind a garage larger than the house or a photo studio as
> large as the garage.
I dunno, TeriAnn, in this crowd you might get some offers with a pitch
like that!
Lately my dream house has had more than one bathroom, but that's because
the 2-year-old is struggling to get past the diaper stage, and with four
people and one bathroom, life is going to get pretty uncomfortable. For
the rest, I'd take a six-car garage, a kitchen the size of my current
kitchen and diningroom, a diningroom the size of my livingroom, and a
big back yard for the garden.
> TeriAnn
(BTW, TeriAnn, your tour route through the mountains is going to be
famous next month -- I wrote it up for the Merc's travel section, with
pictures! Hey -- speaking of photo studios... can you make prints from
35mm slides? :-)