I thoroughly enjoyed and related to Scott Fisher's words on setting up
rallies and tours. My personal favorites are the Halloween rallies I
have put on or participated in over the years (since 1969). These take
on a different "spirit" as they are always conducted after dark and take
competitors to cemeteries, abandoned houses, along railroad tracks,
etc. There are scavenge items to collect, questions to answer and
goulish pranks played at spooky sites. Some haunting is always
included/expected. For those who have never participated in a
Halloween rallye, give it a try - it's a guaranteed good time! I'd
be happy to advise future rallyemasters if desired!
George Haynes
PS: Scott's "Response and Responsibility" read like a sermon and nearly brought
tears to my eyes. It sure is good to have you back with us,
Reverend Fisher!