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Re: MGB alternator

Subject: Re: MGB alternator
From: "Vincent W. Freeh" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 11:50:02 MST
i was going to post this follow-up to my alternator experience when i 
finally got everything working again.  i was prompted to respond earlier
by Joe Flake's message.

i was advised by John R Dombey to look into rebuilding the alternator
first.  thanks John.  i found a guys who works on British alternators
in town.  he thought he had one on the shelf i could exchange for.  it
was a bit different so i had to leave mine 1 day while he rebuilt it.
the guy who rebuilt it is the owner of the shop, he has been doing
this for over 30 years.  he is the kind of guy i call a ``tradesman''
or ``craftsman.''  in my book these are terms of respect, not given
lightly.  so i was more then happy to meet and support him.

unfortunately, the regulator was also bad.  can one cause the other to
go bad?  the replacement i got from my Moss distributor was also bad.
and of course that wasn't discovered until after COB on Sat.  that was
the last regulator in town, etc.

i think it is much better to stay original.  the thing i really like
about my 'B is that it is so original.  i would hate to mess that up.
that is why i still have the original (thread-bare) carpet in the car.

thanks to those that responded to my message.

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