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Introduction of Ted Stevens and MG-TD

Subject: Introduction of Ted Stevens and MG-TD
From: "Theodore R. Stevens 427-1036" <TRS@FDADR.CDRH.FDA.GOV>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 08:27:00 EST
I recently joined the list, and figure a quick introduction is in 
order.  I'll jump straight to the LBC content:

Having FINALLY bought a house with a car-port, I decided last month it 
was time to rescue the '51 (I think) MG TD that had been sitting under 
a tree (ARGGGH!) outside my father's house for about 10 years, at 
which time it was running after a mechanical overhaul (engine & 
gearbox rebuilt, new wiring harness, starter, dynamo).  To my great 
surprise, nothing is obviously seized up or leaking fluids.  I decide, 
what the heck, and do the following to try to get it running:

Got a new battery (yes, hooked it up positive earth).  Notice that as 
soon as I hook it up, lights on the dash glow.  Seems that the 
ignition switch is locked in the 'on' position.  This is good (I 
think) as the key is long gone.

*Any ideas how to get a key made for this beast?  The lock is stamped 
FR 626 which I assume is a key number.*

Pull the starter switch.  Again nothing.  Crack the case open, and 
see:  Brand new brushes, nice shiny commutator and armature...wait a 
minute!  One of the field coils is badly abraded.  Looks like a poor 
rebuild job.  Call around, and around, and finally find that the 
Beck-Arnley place can get a rebuilt starter for $67 outright.  This is 
a good price?

Now on to the body.  Sheet metal looks OK.  The wood (floorboards 
anyway.  Not sure about the tub) are in awful shape.  Looks like some 
new plywood is in order.  Hmm.  All the bolts are missing or rusted to 
nothing.  1" x 1/4" BSF flathead screws, for the most part.  I see 
Moss has 'em, but I shudder to think what the price might be...

So there you have it:  My first month of actual hands-on with the MG.  
Now, for the questions:  Is there a list somewhere of the things to do 
to get a car to run after sitting out for so long?  Is there a 
convenient source of a key for this car?  Oh, and are there bolt-on 
air cleaners that will fit the SU's on a '52 TD?  I'm missing both the 
intake manifold and the original oil-bath air cleaner.  Thanks in 
advance for any suggestions!

Oh, and I almost forgot!  Seats!  I've got no seats!  I may end up 
putting some in from a later Midget, until I can find the proper ones.

Ted Stevens                     Gaithersburg, MD USA
w. (301) 427-1036

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