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'66 Spitfire, more stalling problem

Subject: '66 Spitfire, more stalling problem
From: (Patrick Niemeyer)
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 09:15:16 -0500 (CDT)

First off, thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post...

I have tried a few more things, but am still having problems.

To briefly recap: I have a '66 Spitfire that, after warming up a bit (usually)
starts to stall, sputter, lurch, etc...  feeling like some kind of fuel
problem.  It runs well up to that point, but then usually wants to sit for
quite a while before it will get any distance without re-exhibiting the problem.

Things I have tried:

Replaced the plug wires.

Moved the fuel line so that it doesn't run right over the engine.  It still
gets a little warm, but I'm not sure how hot is bad enough for vapor lock.

Replaced the fuel line filters.

Filled the carbs (oil chambers) with 'Marvel Mystery Oil'.

Yesterday I replaced the fuel pump (it looked ok, but I had another one, so...)
After doing so I noticed that the float chamber on the left carb was spewing
out gas - I believe through the air inlet.  (maybe this is good, perhaps I have 
better fuel pressure now ;) So I opened it, and noticed that the slider thingy
was stuck in the up position.  I wiggled it, it dropped back.  I sprayed some
penetrating lubricant on it, and dunked it in some 'Marvel Mystery Oil'.  
It no longer spewed gas...

I gave the car the standard little road test, and it started having problems
in almost exactly the same place as the day before.  Ug.

I'm going to play with it some more today...  Any suggestions?
Obviosly I'm going to take another look at the float.  Perhaps try soaking
it, or maybe find a new one.  Does this sound like it could be causing this
problem?  (one carb cutting out)?  

I don't know quite how to rule out anything.  Hell for all I know it could
still be electrical...  but I really doubt it.


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