lesnyd@bb1t.monsanto.com (Larry E. Snyder lesnyd@monsanto.com
314-694-3626) says:
Subject: Jag 420 info needed...
There's a guy who lives out by me who ... has this Jag sitting
out in his yard that looks like an XJ
or something, and he says it's a 420. It looks like a Mk II on an
Anybody know about these things?
and "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521"
<DSTONE@SC9.intel.com> writes:
>>My .02 worth; I think they were also called Mark
Partly right. The Mark 10 was rechristened the 420G at the end of its life (G
for Grande (Luxe?) if memory serves me), while the 420 (no suffix) was the
last incarnation of the small shell, essentially a re-fronted S-type, with
four lights and a big grille.