>kit. Needless to say all three choices are more than what I can affore
>right now and a Stromberg rebuilt kit is only $13 from Special Interest.
>Should I go ahead and try to rebuilt the carb or should I listen to his
>advise and save myself from future headaches. Also is it worth it to
>put a Grose Jet value into my carb if I rebuilt it. Any advise or comments
>will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
If your carb is in sad shape like the Z-S's on my GT6, a $13 rebuild kit won't
do much good, it's basically only a set of new gaskets. Since I'm in a CA smog
area, I had mine rebuilt, as the other options are aren't smog legal. Apple
Hydraulics rebuilt mine which included rebuilding the temp compensator and
bypass valve, replacing the needles and seats and installing the grose jet
valves. They also flow bench test them. I haven't installed them yet, but
they look brand new. Since you dont' have to worry about smog, a used SU might
be a better option. I don't know which Su to select or anything like that, but
I'm sure some other SOLers can give you advice.
Mike G.