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Re: Totally unbelievable behaviour

Subject: Re: Totally unbelievable behaviour
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 92 16:53:25 -0800
What is this?????  Am I the only person in the group that believes in LBCs
enough to make them my only form of moterized transpertation????

I drive the Land Rover on weekends and the MGBGT is my commute car. My
commute is 60+ miles per day that goes over a mountain range. My B has been
very dependable doing this for over 3 years.

Why do people feel a need to regulate their LBCs to toy status.  They are a
lot more fun if you drive them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Changing the subject #1

I've been reading about people dipping their car.. Is this to get rid of paint?
rust or both?? What condition does the part have to be in to be dipable?

I am getting tired of sanding & have 2 TR3 seat frames that are VERY rusty &
a factory hard top with chipping paint.  If I could get these depainted &
derusted easily & at a reasonable price I'll go for it.  Where in the 
Santa Cruz/ Silican Valley area can it bee done?

Changing the subject #2

My new chrome wire wheels came in & its time to think about new rubber to
protect the wheels from the road. I do not know what newer tyre sizes are
out there. Rim size is 15 inches, rim width is a whopping 4.5 inches.

Any suggestions about a tyre size that would properly fit the rims and provide
a bit more foot print?? or should I stay with the stock size?


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