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Re: Rover parts, (power boosters)

Subject: Re: Rover parts, (power boosters)
From: (Roger Bolick)
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 11:27:31 CST
Understanding the problem is a failed power brake booster,
why not rebuild it?  I stumbled into this problem on a TR6
and found TRF willing to sell me a new one for $200 or a
junkyard's unknown but bent one for $100.  All my friends
free ones (6 units total) had been given away in the past
year to other TR6 owners.

Theory:  The booster diaphram breaks after about 20 years
                                     after brake fluid leaks

Solution:  Buy a new unit for $200
           Replace the diaphram $10

Okay, so order a new diaphram...  NONE of the usual places sold
it, only new units (how do they build new units, used diaphrams?).
I was told it was a liability problem...  (why do they sell MC rebuild
kits?, at least the booster is manually backed up)
I was told its impossible to rebuild the units.
I was told there was NO OTHER option, buy new while its still available?

So, I sent it to a brake/clutch rebuild center and for $90 received the
sandblasted/repainted/revalved unit which I am now using...  AND I forgot
to tell them that the diaphram IS NOT available.  I am tempted to
disassemble the unit to look at the diaphram, it likely has a GM part no.

My guess is you can order the diaphram under some universal number from
a supply house for $10 and either do it yourself or have a local place
rebuild it.  It needs special tools to hold/rotate the pieces.

So, the question begs to be answered:  "TRF WHY DON'T YOU SELL THIS DIAPHRAM?"

I can give you the name of a place which will rebuild it, but someone must
know the "REST OF THIS STORY" - any takers?


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