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Free Rally in New England

Subject: Free Rally in New England
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 17:23 EST
For those of you who in New England who are going through the
first phases of Winter Motorsports Withdrawal, have I got a deal
for you!

If you have never been on a TSD rally, here's your chance to try
one FREE!!!!!!!

The TERMINATOR 3, is a lightly trapped, heavily armed TSD rally.
This is the final event of the 1992 Quequechan Sports Car Club
season, and a nice, violent alternative to normal pre-holiday

WHEN:     Sunday, December 13, 1992
          Registration: 12:00 noon
          First Car Off 1:00 pm

WHERE:   Almac's Parking Lot
         President Avenue Circle
         Route 24, Exit 5
         Fall River, MA

COST:    FREE!!!    FREE!!!    FREE!!!

That' right, if you are new to rallying or QSCC Events, all you
need is a car, two people, a watch, a pencil and a positive

The TERMINATOR 3 is suitable for novice rallyists.

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