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whining sounds

To: <>
Subject: whining sounds
From: <> (Will Sadler )
Date: Fri Nov 13 14:41:16 1992
I have just recently noticed a really irritating
whining noise in my car.  This only occurs at
higher RPMs (above 2200) and only while I
am accellerating.  If I take my foot off of the
throttle the noise goes away.

This leads me to believe that it is not the differential
or anything else connected with the rolling motion of the
car.  An article appeared in the latest MGC newsletter
in which someone who had tested the MGC at high speeds
over an extended period of time pointed out the the fan made
a really irritating whining sound at high speeds.  Could my noise be 
the same thing?  If it is the fan, is it possible to buy a plastic fan that
will not whine?

Or (and this idea scares me) is it something in the automatic

On a followup tangent:  I have been able to throughly test
the Rain-X I put on my car in the last 2 weeks of solid
non-stop rain.  It works pretty well.  The only drawback seems to
be that the water will turn into really tiny drops that cover the
entire windscreen.  Seeing through these drops is about as
difficult as seeing through three moving wiper blades.  
I did not experience any problems with fogging, but I was
running the heater/defogger all of the time.

The other drawback was that the water being blown off of the 
windscreen at high speeds was much more likely to come into
the interior beneath the hood than with wipers.  (I am missing the header seal
due to the PO.) 

Thanks in advance,


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