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RE: Cassette player static-2nd try

To: Geronimo x54903 page 951-3432 <>,
Subject: RE: Cassette player static-2nd try
From: (John Lupien)
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 92 13:16:31 EDT
> The bigger the cap the better (number of uF's) the filtering,

In general true, but there are practical limits in both size
and inductance - the big caps start to look a little like an RLC

> if you
> do use a large one, just make sure the terminals are covered and a bleed off
> resistor is installed across the +/- cap terminals (~15K, 1 watt will do), to
> prevent accidental discharge, which can burn you.  

If you have a bleed resistor across the terminals, make sure that the supply 
line is switched - if the supply does not switch off, it's the battery you'll
be bleeding...

> -Since my stereo and amp draw about 10 amps total, I connect the hot directly
> to the battery.

Yeah, like this, for instance. In this case you would have to make sure that
the bleed resistor (and cap) comes after the power switch for the stereo.

John R. Lupien

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