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All British Car Day report...

Subject: All British Car Day report...
From: (James A. TenCate)
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 09:44:00 -0500
Report:  All British Car Day, last Sunday, Austin TX
Weather:  Hot, humid, overcast (not too bad though :-)
Number of cars:  About 75 (?)

Well, this past weekend was the 2nd time our local Triumph club ran an 
All British Car Day.  Last year we had mostly Triumphs and MGs (with a 
few Morgans and Sunbeams for good measure).  This year, we had a better 
venue and a much better representation of British cars :-)  There were a 
half dozen or more Jaguars (E types mostly).  WOW!  I was stunned at the 
quality of these cars.  Not only that, most were DRIVEN to the 
event.  One guy had before/after pictures;  he essentially started with 
nothing more than a hulk of rust and made it into this beautiful work of 
art.  I guess Jags are worth spending that kind of money on.  I can't 
imagine what it must've cost him (probably LOTS of "pizza and beer").
There were three or four Austin Healeys that came out of the woodwork, a 
couple of Rolls-Royces, a Bentley (I think), and lots of MGs and 
Triumphs.  MGs of all sorts were represented, and Triumphs?  Well, there 
was only one 3, no 4's, one 5(!), four 6's, and a whole slew (15 to 20) 
of 7's and 8's.  Wonder where they all came from?  I'm seeing more and 
more 7's showing up each year.  BTW, *very* few of them were stock.  
There were only 5 Spits, one GT6, and two Stags.

Other cars?  A Hillman, a few Alpines, a Lotus 7 and Europa, one Mini,
and, best of all, an Aston Martin of some sort.  Unfortunately, I was 
stuck running a spark plug contest but I drooled from a distance.  No, 
I'm afraid I don't know what type it was (but I'll check my picture book 
at home and let you know later if you're really interested).  
Unfortunately, its water pump crapped out on the way in and he had to 
have it towed home.

I'm sure I've forgotten a bunch, but altogether a pretty great day of 
British car mania 

That's it;  a pretty silly little report but I hope some of you find
this interesting...

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