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eng & gbox

Subject: eng & gbox
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 08:16 EDT
Someone last week said that they had a Midget sans engine and gearbox.
I had promised that I would look out for one and I think that I 
found one last night.

Would that person please e-mail me, so that I can give them the details.

This past week has been a very busy one, on Tue day 3 friends and myself
totally stipped a 1500 Midget in 4.5 hours flat, which includes the
obligatory beer breaks and only 1 pizza break. I was very surprised how
fast the job went, and surpisingly little use of the propane torch
was made !! Sooo tonight, I will remove the engine and gearbox from my car
and hopefully get the other engine/gearbox into it by Sunday, so that I 
can have a driveable car on Monday mroing.

Somehow I have a feeling that I will not be able to keep to this timetable,
because there will always be that one single bolt which will refuse to 
come out !!!


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