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Carburettor questions

Subject: Carburettor questions
From: ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky)
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 92 18:13:47 PDT
Here's a basic carburettion question:

    How does bowl fuel level (as determined by float height) affect

Does a higher fuel level (i.e. fuel is closer to top of jet) make for a
richer mixture?  Is that that simple?

My cur should be back from the body shop soon, then it's strip/paint/finish
the interior and figure out the carbs.  So, more on the carbs:

I haven't even been able to balance them yet since when I cover the inlet
on either carb with the MultiSync (partially blocking the main intake, and
covering the vent to the diaphragm underside and source for the trim/
temperatur compensator), the RPMs zoom up and it behaves even worse than
usual.  Before I rebuilt the carbs, it did not behave like this; I could
apply the MultiSync with no change in idle.

It's still barely running; needs Ether to start.  But it's driveable once
going.  In fact, I had to drive it over the hill and back to SJ for the
steaming, so it's not totally unuseable.

But let me make sure I've got this right.  If the mixture is way lean, it's
getting too much air, so blocking off some of the airflow should correct
the mixture and increase RPMs, right?  That's the behavior I get when I put
a finger over the trim/compensator inlet, OR the diaphragm vent, on either
carb.  The first I think I understand, but the second??

Arrgh.  Someday I will join the clueful few, but for now I'm still one
of the clueless many...


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