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Re: British Cars Digest #579 Tue Sep 15 01:15:02 MDT 1992

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #579 Tue Sep 15 01:15:02 MDT 1992
From: (Frans Lichtenberg)
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 08:33:23 -0400
        It is actualy in England they are driving in the "rigth" side of the
road (left side). You have to go back to the 12-13 centrury in europa, where
horses was used for everyday use dualing and figthing included. Roads was
very muddy and durty. So one quistion: From which side do mount a horse?
You are rigth, from the left, and you will always do that fron the side
of the road, not the middle. Most people are rigth handed, so when you
are figting with a sword or lance you use your rigth hand. You now have to
have your apponent on your rigth. This has caried over when the car came
along you kept placing your self on the left side of the road. For some
reasion England must not have been that well liked in the beginning of this
century, becouse the rest of the world started to drive in the other side
of the road. Proberly just to be different.

        Frans Lichtenberg

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